Friday, November 7, 2008

my best friend Glenna continues to fight cancer, but her condition is weakening. It is an unbearable time and i will be going back home to her. thank you for going on this journey with us and all of your advice.please pray for her . -lindsey

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Capitol City

It finally stopped raining and we headed into Washington DC. A little bit of backtracking but we felt weird not visiting DC. We spent a while walking around the National Mall.
A huge petition for Obama

Lindsey with her vintage polaroid camera

Lindsey took a bunch of really cool black and white polaroids today. We will have to post some on the blog later on when we can scan them.
Honest Abe
A nice walkway with fall leaves
Lindsey looking pretty
Our best shot of the White House as we drove by with people honking at us to drive faster
After the National Mall, we headed over to the Smithsonian Museum of American Art. We smuggled Minnie in with us. She is hidden under Lindsey's sweatshirt, she only let out one growl the whole time, otherwise she was very calm.
We saw some really neat photos, Lindsey had a ball. There was a show of Ansel Adams and Georgia O'keefe which was fun to see. I saw a small O'Keefe painting that I liked a lot of a New Mexican church, couldn't have been bigger than 8"x10". Lindsey saw a lot of photos by Ansel Adams, Diane Arbus, Lee Freelander and more that she loved.
While Lindsey was looking at photos, I ran over to the "Western Art" section to see what they had and I had no idea what I would stumble upon. Above is a painting by Maynard Dixon titled "Shapes of Fear". Sorry about the bad lighting, it was kind of dim in this gallery.
W. Herbert Dunton
E. I. Couse, a really big one by Couse, I don't think I have seen a painting this large by him, the figure was life size or larger.
E. Martin Hennings
Ernest Blumenschein

I was so surprised to see these really great western paintings here in DC. I thought they would have some boring generic western art, but it turned out that they had some of the really important Western Artists.
Here is Lindsey in front of the Museum, which by the way is FREE to visit. All of the Smithsonian Museums are. We definitely want to come back another time for 5 or 6 days so we can see more of the city, too much to see in a day or two. -Logan

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

in other news....

Oh yeah, and this happened too. -Logan


we spent time in berlin,maryland today ,it POURED all day today and yesterday!!!!
but, it was a nice old fashion small town. we went into "town center antiques" i took a ton of photogs but my cannon doesn't upload on this comp:( there were a lot of funny knick knacks in there,hats, Humel's etc. and a coffee shop right in the middle of it. a couple movies were filmed here, when you walk in the antique store they had all the newspaper clippings of julia roberts and richard gere on set. the man that ran the store was real nice he has lived there all his life in between traveling around,and owns a gallery a couple stores down, i gave him our blog.

logan wanted to buy this

logan in one of the 80 sections at town center antiques

inflated turkey
this is were we ate lunch its a restored main stage, now its a bar, restaurant and gallery
the guy in the table next to us wanted to take our picture
they were playing a alfred hitchcock movie on the projection screen on the stage while we ate
i had a crab meat sandwitch, it was the best crab ever. -lindsey

Good morning!

mmmmm fried egg sandwiches

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 in delaware

we stayed at lums pond state park last night and had a nice camp fire. we were the only campers there, the leafs on the trees were beautiful, that's pretty much all i can say about delaware... oh and there is NO sales tax here!! off to ocean city maryland today!Lindsey
our home

Monday, November 3, 2008

philly cheesesteak

as soon as we got into philly we went right to Pat's the originators of the philly cheesesteak and it was glorious. i didn't know they actually use cheez wiz and you wouldn't know it from tasting it, it was to die for. they give you all these hot peppers on the side too, which i could eat with anything. the locals would go up and just ask for a cheez wiz, i felt like a heel after i said the whole proper name " one philly chessesteak please" hahaha. the city was really awesome i def want to spend more time here, there are a lot of characters and a lot of photogs that need to be taken. philly is way different from just a half hour away in the quiet countryside, lots of beautiful stone homes,rivers and barns. the city is real loud with all these apartments and store fronts that all look like they connect, there was a man in a truck in front of us with two massive speakers BLASTING hip hop, we were behind him for quite a while , some people on the street would start dancing, others were pissed, we took a video. goodnight, Lindsey

The Brandywine River Museum...warning art nerd talk below

We woke up early this morning in Coatesville, PA, and headed over to the Brandywine Museum. I have been wanting to visit this Museum for years.

Here is Lindsey in front of the Museum before we went in
This is the view from one of the hallways. That is the Brandywine River in the background.
You weren't allowed to take pictures in the galleries, but Lindsey snuck this one really fast. I have been wanting to see these paintings in person ever since I was in art school. N.C. Wyeth has been a big influence on my work and I was glad to be able to study these famous paintings up close.
Here I am looking at a painting I used to drool over in school. I guess I still drooled a bit. The way N.C. designs his shapes and the simple way of suggesting detail was really neat to see in person. This painting of Pirates I am looking at was done in black and white, except for the yellow sky.
Another picture from the N.C. gallery
Here is a photo of me looking at an Andrew Wyeth painting in his section. The whole 3rd floor is dedicated to the Wyeths. One gallery had N.C., one had Andrew, and the other had Jamie as well as some other Wyeths and folks related to the Wyeths (Peter Hurd, etc.). Again, it was really cool to see Andrew's paintings, a lot of very famous ones here!

I would recommend this museum to anyone who is within a day's driving distance. If you aren't that close then fly here. Well I don't was the ultimate museum for me, the Wyeths have been a big inspiration for me. So if you feel the same way, you need to see it.

Besides the Wyeth family there were really great paintings by Howard Pyle (N.C.'s teacher), Dean Cornwell, Mead Schaeffer, FrankSchoonover, Maxfield Parrish, and a lot of other insanely good painters that I have never heard of.

There is an exhibition up right now on the Second floor that shows the "Commercial" work of several illustrators next to their more personal "easel" paintings. Too bad that there is such a negative view of "illustration" vs. "easel painting" . Any of N.C. Wyeth's illustrations are 1000 times more creative than any easel painting done today, and even more creative than a lot of easel paintings done in his time. But since they are getting their idea from an art director or a book that they have to illustrate, some say that it isn't the stereotypical romantic artist, where he wakes up in the middle of the night with an idea, and runs into his studio, rubs paint all over his body, runs and jumps onto a huge canvas and then drinks absinthe and then glues newspaper to the canvas...etc. I understand the concept of illustration verses fine art, but I just don't agree.

After the museum we were off to Philly to find the perfect cheese steak. -Logan