Thursday, November 6, 2008

Capitol City

It finally stopped raining and we headed into Washington DC. A little bit of backtracking but we felt weird not visiting DC. We spent a while walking around the National Mall.
A huge petition for Obama

Lindsey with her vintage polaroid camera

Lindsey took a bunch of really cool black and white polaroids today. We will have to post some on the blog later on when we can scan them.
Honest Abe
A nice walkway with fall leaves
Lindsey looking pretty
Our best shot of the White House as we drove by with people honking at us to drive faster
After the National Mall, we headed over to the Smithsonian Museum of American Art. We smuggled Minnie in with us. She is hidden under Lindsey's sweatshirt, she only let out one growl the whole time, otherwise she was very calm.
We saw some really neat photos, Lindsey had a ball. There was a show of Ansel Adams and Georgia O'keefe which was fun to see. I saw a small O'Keefe painting that I liked a lot of a New Mexican church, couldn't have been bigger than 8"x10". Lindsey saw a lot of photos by Ansel Adams, Diane Arbus, Lee Freelander and more that she loved.
While Lindsey was looking at photos, I ran over to the "Western Art" section to see what they had and I had no idea what I would stumble upon. Above is a painting by Maynard Dixon titled "Shapes of Fear". Sorry about the bad lighting, it was kind of dim in this gallery.
W. Herbert Dunton
E. I. Couse, a really big one by Couse, I don't think I have seen a painting this large by him, the figure was life size or larger.
E. Martin Hennings
Ernest Blumenschein

I was so surprised to see these really great western paintings here in DC. I thought they would have some boring generic western art, but it turned out that they had some of the really important Western Artists.
Here is Lindsey in front of the Museum, which by the way is FREE to visit. All of the Smithsonian Museums are. We definitely want to come back another time for 5 or 6 days so we can see more of the city, too much to see in a day or two. -Logan


Anonymous said...

hey kids, we're reading your stuff daily. erica just joined facebook. i gave her your blog. todd saw 5 acupuncture patients in a row this afternoon/evening. he's asleep on the couch now--pooped. what is enjoying her job & she got a really nice thank you from her coworkers which i think you saw. i just finished module 106. just 9 more to go. i've got mon and tues off work for veteran's day. i think i'll do homework. sound like fun? i'm actually looking forward to it. big hug! love, m.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys stopped there! I thought it was a beautiful place I really enjoyed being there. The history is just overwhelming, it's so cool. I went to the Smithsonian too, an amazing place! Can't wait to see your b&w photos! :D

AuntieAyn said...

Hey there guys...looks like your having a wonderful time...even w/all the rain. Can't wait to see the way, your most welcome for Thanksgiving if the timing suits you..we would love it!

Anonymous said...

i still can't beleave that you smuggled minnie into the museam! a bad ass crew indeed. indeed
